Bachelor's degree is the first stage of higher education. The study is designed for 4 years. Upon completion of the Bachelor's degree, the graduate is awarded a state diploma of Bachelor's degree. After that, the graduate can continue his/her studies in a Master's programme or start professional activity.
Persons who have the appropriate level of education, confirmed by a document of secondary general education or a document of secondary vocational education and qualification, or a document of higher education and qualification, are allowed to master educational programmes under Bachelor's degree programmes.
Before enrolment
Description of educational programmes and directions at the link
Attention! Entrance tests for each competitive group are set by priority, the results of which will be taken into account when ranking the lists of applicants.
Attention! I) The results of the USE are recognised as the results of general education entrance examinations for admission to Bachelor's degree programmes on the basis of secondary general education (i.e. on the basis of 11 grades, regardless of the year of graduation).
II) Entrants specified in this paragraph may take general education entrance tests conducted by FSBEIU VO "Volga Region GUFKSiT":
1) regardless of whether the entrant participated in the USE:
a) disabled persons (including disabled children);
b) foreign citizens;
2) in those subjects in which the entrant did not take the USE in the current calendar year:
a) if the entrant has received a document on secondary general education in a foreign organisation.
Entrants specified in this paragraph may use the results of the Unified State Examination (if any) along with passing general education entrance tests conducted by FSBEU VO "Povolzhsky GUFKSiT" independently.
III. Entrants on the basis of secondary vocational education:
as an entrance test on the basis of professional education on the Russian language is conducted as a general education entrance test in Russian language;
entrance tests on the basis of vocational education are conducted in accordance with the orientation (profile) of educational programmes of secondary vocational education, related to the Bachelor's degree programmes, for training on which admission is carried out. Relatedness of educational programmes of secondary vocational education and Bachelor's degree programmes is established by FSBEI HE "Volga Region GUFKSiT".
Or provide the results of the USE in general education subjects.
Information on the number of places for the 2024 intake will be posted in January 2024
Number of places for admission
1) under Bachelor's degree programmes on full-time and part-time forms of study:
the deadline for the beginning of the application for admission to training and documents attached to the application - 20 June 2024;
the deadline for the completion of documents from applicants for training with additional entrance tests of professional orientation - 12 July 2024;
the deadline for completing the admission of documents from applicants for training with passing other entrance tests conducted by FSBEIU VO "Volga Region GUFKSiT" independently - 12 July 2024;
the deadline for completing the admission of documents from applicants for training without passing entrance tests conducted by FSBEU VO "Volga Region State University of Physical Education and Sports" independently, including from applicants without entrance tests in accordance with Part 4 and (or) 12 of Article 71 of Federal Law No. 273-FZ or without conducting entrance tests in accordance with Part 5.2 of Article 71 of Federal Law No. 273-FZ - 25 July 2024;
the deadline for completion of entrance examinations conducted by FSBEIU VO "Povolzhsky GUFKSiT" independently - 25 July 2024;
2) the following admission terms are established for admission to study for places under agreements on paid educational services on full-time and part-time forms of education:
the deadline for the beginning of the application for admission to training and documents attached to the application - 20 June 2024;
the deadline for the completion of documents from applicants for training with additional admission tests of professional orientation - 9 August 2024;
the deadline for completing the admission of documents from applicants for training with passing other entrance tests conducted by FSBEIU VO "Volga Region GUFKSiT" independently - 9 August 2024;
the deadline for completing the admission of documents from applicants without passing the entrance tests conducted by the Volga Region GUFKSiT independently, including from applicants without entrance tests in accordance with Part 4 and (or) 12 of Article 71 of Federal Law No. 273-FZ or without entrance tests in accordance with Part 5.2 of Article 71 of Federal Law No. 273-FZ (if additional entrance tests of creative and (or) professional orientation are not conducted) - 20 August 2024;
the deadline for completion of entrance tests conducted by FSBEIU VO "Volga Region State University of Physical Culture and Sports" independently - 21 August 2024.
Acceptance of documents at personal submission by applicants to FSBEI HE "Volga Region GUFKSiT" is carried out from 9.00 to 17.00 from Monday to Friday, on Saturday from 9.00 to 12.00. Acceptance of documents for electronic submission of documents by applicants to FSBEI VO "Volga Region GUFKSiT" is carried out round the clock. Processing of documents by electronic submission is carried out from 9.00 to 17.00 from Monday to Friday, on Saturday from 9.00 to 12.00.
On the day of completion of document acceptance, the Volga Region GUFKSiT accepts documents in person and processes them electronically until 18:00 local time.
The minimum score is the threshold minimum score that must be achieved for the examination to be considered passed. If the applicant scores less than this value, he/she will not be able to apply to the university.
Tuition fees for the 2024 intake will be updated in May 2024
When submitting an application for admission to training, the applicant provides a medical certificate of the established sample (form No. 086/u, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation from December 15, 2014, No. 834n "On approval of the unified forms of medical documentation used in medical organizations providing medical care in outpatient settings, and procedures for their completion") for admission to FSBEI HE "Volga Region GUFKSiT" for all areas of training for bachelor's and master's degree programmes.
If the entrant has medical contraindications established by the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, FSBEI HE "Volga Region GUFKSiT" provides him/her with information about the consequences associated with these contraindications during the period of training and subsequent professional activity.
In the case of failure to provide the entrant, or invalidity of the medical certificate (conclusion), the absence in it in full or in part of information about the medical examination is responsible for the entrant, or his legal representatives (parents), or an authorised person.
On directions of preparation 49.03.01 Physical Culture, 49.03.02 Physical Culture for persons with health deviations (adaptive physical culture). 49.03.03 Recreation and sports and health tourism, 49.03.04 Sport and 44.03.01 Pedagogical Education medical certificate of the established sample is provided before the additional entrance tests of professional orientation.
On directions of preparation 43.03.01 Service. 43.03.02 Tourism, 43.03.03 Hospitality, 38.03.02 Management, 09.03.02 Information Systems and Technologies, as well as Master's degree programmes medical certificate of the established sample is provided before the date of admission.
When applying for admission, the applicant shall submit:
1) document (documents) proving identity, citizenship (including may submit a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, proving the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation);
2) a document of the established sample specified in paragraph 4 of the Rules of Admission (including may submit a document of a foreign state on education with a certificate of recognition of foreign education, except in cases in which, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and (or) international treaty does not require recognition of foreign education).
The entrant may submit one or more documents of the established sample. In the case of submission of several documents of the established sample the entrant uses for admission to places within the control figures the original of only one of these documents;
3) a document confirming registration in the system of individual (personified) registration (SNILS) (if available);
4) for applicants specified in subparagraph "a" of subparagraph 1 of paragraph 17 of the Rules of Admission, when intending to take general education entrance tests conducted by FSBEU VO "Volga Region GUFKSiT" independently (for bachelor's degree programmes) - a document confirming disability;
5) if it is necessary to create special conditions specified in paragraph 70 of the Rules of Admission - a document confirming disability or limited health capabilities that require the creation of these conditions;
6) for the use of the right to admission without entrance examinations in accordance with Part 4 of Article 71 of the Federal Law of 29 December 2012 № 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", special rights based on the results of the Olympiads of schoolchildren, a special advantage (undergraduate programmes) - a document confirming that the applicant belongs to the persons who are granted the corresponding special right;
7) established by parts 5, 9 and 10 of Article 71 of the Federal Law of 29 December 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" (for Bachelor's degree programmes) - a document (documents) confirming that the entrant belongs to the persons who are granted the corresponding special right;
8) documents confirming individual achievements of the applicant, the results of which are taken into account at admission (submitted at the discretion of the applicant);
9) six 3x4 colour matt photographs;
10) medical certificate of the established sample;
When submitting an application for admission to training, the applicant shall submit a medical certificate of the established sample (form No. 086/u, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation from December 15, 2014, No. 834n "On Approval of the unified forms of medical documentation used in medical organizations providing medical care in outpatient settings, and procedures for their completion") for admission to FSBEU VO "Volga Region GUFKSiT" for all areas of training for bachelor's and master's degree programmes.
If the entrant has medical contraindications established by the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, FSBEI HE "Volga Region GUFKSiT" provides him/her with information about the consequences associated with these contraindications during the period of training and subsequent professional activity.
In the case of failure to provide the entrant, or invalidity of the medical certificate (conclusion), the absence in it in full or in part of information about the medical examination is responsible for the entrant, or his legal representatives (parents), or an authorised person.
On directions of preparation 49.03.01 Physical Culture, 49.03.02 Physical Culture for persons with health deviations (adaptive physical culture). 49.03.03 Recreation and sports and health tourism, 49.03.04 Sport and 44.03.01 Pedagogical Education medical certificate of the established sample is provided before the additional entrance tests of professional orientation.
On directions of preparation 43.03.01 Service. 43.03.02 Tourism, 43.03.03 Hospitality, 38.03.02 Management, 09.03.02 Information Systems and Technologies, as well as for Master's programmes medical certificate of the established sample is provided before the date of admission.
11) Certificate of a citizen subject to military service or military card (for young men) (if available);
12) Athlete's classification book (if available);
13) Other documents (submitted at the discretion of the applicant).
Admission procedure
From 20 June 2024 the admission of documents begins
Documents required for admission shall be submitted (sent) to FSBEU VO "Povolzhsky GUFKSiT" in one of the following ways:
1. are submitted in person by the applicant or by a proxy to the Admissions Committee;
2. sent through public postal operators;
3. sent electronically through the Personal Cabinet of the applicant;
4. sent electronically using the super service "Admission to university online" through the federal state information system "Unified portal of state and municipal services (functions)" (UPGU).
Electronic submission of an application for training at FSBEI VO "Volga Region State University of Physical Education and Sports" is carried out from 20 June 2024 through the Personal Office of the applicant
You must have a valid e-mail (electronic mail) in order to register in the Personal Cabinet. For correct work we recommend to use modern versions of browsers. If filling in the electronic application form causes difficulties, you can contact the specialists of the Admissions Office 8 (843) 294-90-90, 8 800 250 50 59 (Call toll-free within Russia) or submit your documents in person to the Admissions Office at 35 Universiade Village St., Kazan, office F 123. The specialists of the Admissions Office will help you.
1. After your electronic application and documents have been processed, you will be contacted by a specialist of the Admissions Office and informed of your examination number (the last 5 digits of your SNILS or individual ID number and the letters indicating its priority). It will also be necessary to come to the Admissions Office to receive a receipt and take a photo for the electronic pass. For the admission test pass the applicant will need to present the receipt and passport.
2. After acceptance of the application and the list of required documents, the applicant is given a receipt on acceptance of documents with the indication of his/her examination number (5 last digits of SNILS or individual ID number and letters indicating his/her priority direction). The examination number will have to be used when taking entrance examinations.
3. When conducting written entrance examinations, the examination number shall be indicated by the entrant in the entrance examination answer form.
4. At carrying out of additional entrance tests of professional orientation the examination number is applied by the entrant on a white T-shirt with black indelible paint, the location of the number on the chest and back.
5. To pass the entrance tests, the applicant will need to present a receipt and passport.
6. Entrants who have submitted documents in electronic form, before the entrance examinations should contact the Admissions Office to obtain a receipt and photograph for the student's electronic admission pass
Before submitting documents, please carefully read the instructions for submitting documents
The application for admission to training shall be filled in strictly according to the sample, the lines shall not be deleted
The schedule of entrance tests will be published on 1 June 2024
Attention! For admission to the entrance tests the applicant must present a receipt and passport.
Attention! All entrance tests are taken 1 time and count for all directions requiring these entrance tests. Entrance tests are passed on the priority direction.
After acceptance of the application and the necessary documents, the entrant is given a receipt on acceptance of documents with the indication of his/her examination number (5 last digits of the SNILS or individual ID number and letters indicating his/her priority direction). Examination number will need to be used when taking entrance tests: a) when conducting written entrance tests, the examination number is indicated by the entrant in the answer form of the entrance test.
For admission to the entrance examinations the entrant must present a receipt and passport.
Persons who have not passed the entrance test for a valid reason (illness or other circumstances confirmed by documents), are allowed to take the entrance test in another group or on a reserve day. Taking the exam on a reserve day is possible on the personal application of the applicant in the Admissions Committee. The application must be accompanied by a document confirming the justification of absence on the main day of the examination (e.g. medical certificate). Applications are considered individually.
Profile entrance tests (for entrants after secondary vocational (specialised) education)
Additional entrance tests of professional orientation
- Additional points for individual achievements are awarded to the entrant by the decision of FGBOU VO ‘Povolzhsky GUFKSiT’:
- The entrant submits documents confirming the results of individual achievements. The order of accounting of individual achievements is established by FSBEI HE ‘Volga Region GUFKSiT’ independently.
The entrant has the right to submit a document confirming individual achievement to the Admissions Committee no later than the day preceding the day of publication of the competition lists. - After the submission of the document confirming the individual achievement FGBOU VO ‘Volga Region GUFKSiT’ accrues additional points for the confirmed individual achievement in accordance with paragraph 29 of the Rules of Admission.
- The sum of points awarded to the entrant for individual achievements can not be more than 10 points.
- Points awarded for individual achievements are included in the sum of competition points.
FGBOU VE ‘Volga Region GUFKSiT’ conducts admission for targeted training within the established control figures. Persons who did not pass the competition for target places can participate in the general competition for any form of education, for this purpose it is necessary when filling in the application for admission to training to indicate that he plans to enter also for places in the general competition. The target places left vacant after passing entrance examinations and enrolment, are provided to persons participating in the general competition. FGBOU VO ‘Volga Region GUFKSiT’ does not provide a list of organisations that send citizens for targeted training, and does not select them. The applicants and (or) their legal representatives deal with this issue independently.
The agreement on targeted training is checked by the Admissions Committee of the Volga Region State University of Physical Culture and Sport. The agreement can be sent for verification to or you can apply in person to the Admissions Office at 35 Universiade Village Street, Kazan, office F 123. Only after verification by the Admissions Committee and signed by all parties of the target education agreement, the applicant submits the necessary documents for admission within the established admission deadlines.
The consent of the legal representative - parent, adoptive parent or guardian of a minor citizen, executed in writing, shall be attached to the contract and shall be an integral part thereof. in case the contract is concluded with a minor citizen or in cases when the citizen has not acquired full legal capacity in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad of schoolchildren (hereinafter referred to as the All-Russian Olympiad), members of the national teams of the Russian Federation who participated in international Olympiads in general education subjects and formed in accordance with the procedure established by the federal executive authority responsible for the development and implementation of state policy and normative-legal regulation in the field of general education (hereinafter referred to as members of the national teams who participated in international Olympiads) shall be provided with the following benefits Correspondence of the profile of these Olympiads to the areas of training is determined by FSBEI VO ‘Povolzhsky GUFKSiT’ independently;
Champions and prize-winners of the Olympic Games, Paralympic Games and Deaflympics, world champions, European champions, persons who took first place at the world championship, European championship in sports included in the programmes of the Olympic Games, Paralympic Games and Deaflympics (hereinafter - persons with sporting achievements) shall have the right to admission without entrance examinations in the areas of training in the field of physical culture and sport.
The right to admission to education at the expense of budgetary allocations within the established quota (special right) is granted to
orphans and children left without parental care, as well as persons from among orphans and children left without parental care,
- Disabled children,
- Persons with disabilities of groups I and II,
- Persons disabled since childhood,
- Persons disabled as a result of a military injury or illness sustained during military service,
- veterans of combat operations from among the persons listed in subparagraphs 1 - 4 of paragraph 1 of Article 3 of the Federal Law of 12 January 1995 N 5-FZ ‘On Veterans’.
The quota of admission of these persons who have a special right, is established by the higher education organisation in the amount of not less than 10% of the total volume of control numbers allocated to the higher education organisation for the next year, for each specialty and (or) direction of training.
Accessible environment at the link
In case of equality of the sum of competitive points, the number of points for each entrance test, the number of points for individual achievements, the following persons shall have the priority right of admission to the FSBEI HE ‘Volga Region GUFKSiT’ for training on bachelor's degree programmes on condition of successful completion of entrance tests and other equal conditions:
a) orphans and children left without parental care, as well as persons from among orphans and children left without parental care;
(b) Disabled children and persons with disabilities of groups I and II;
c) citizens under twenty years of age who have only one parent who is a disabled person of group I, if the average per capita income of the family is below the subsistence minimum established in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation at the place of residence of these citizens;
d) citizens who were exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl NPP catastrophe and who are covered by the Federal Law of 15 May 1991 N 1244-1 ‘On social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl NPP catastrophe’;
e) children of servicemen who died in the performance of their military service or died as a result of a maiming (wounding, trauma, contusion) or diseases they received in the performance of their military service, including participation in counter-terrorism operations and (or) other measures to combat terrorism;
(e) Children of deceased (dead) Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation and full cavaliers of the Order of Glory;
(f) Children of employees of the internal affairs agencies, the Federal Service of National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, institutions and agencies of the penal enforcement system, the compulsory enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation, the federal fire-fighting service of the State Fire-Fighting Service, the agencies responsible for controlling the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, the customs authorities and the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation who have died (died) as a result of an injury or other damage to their health sustained in connection with the performance of their duties with the
g) children of prosecutors who died (died) as a result of an injury or other damage to health they received during their service in the prosecution service or after dismissal as a result of damage to their health in connection with their official activities;
h) servicemen who perform military service under a contract and whose uninterrupted duration of military service under a contract is at least three years, as well as citizens who have completed military service under conscription and who enter training on the recommendations of commanders issued to citizens in accordance with the procedure established by the federal executive authority and the federal government body in which federal law provides for military service;
(i) Citizens who have performed military service under contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies in military positions for at least three years and who were dismissed from military service on the grounds provided for in subparagraphs (b) to (d) of paragraph 1, subparagraphs (a) of paragraph 2 and subparagraphs (a) to (c) of paragraph 3 of article 51 of Federal Act No. 53 of 28 March 1998 on military duty and military service;
(j) Disabled veterans of war, participants in hostilities and veterans of hostilities from among the persons listed in article 3, paragraph 1, subparagraphs 1 to 4, of the Federal Act of 12 January 1995 No. 5-FZ ‘On veterans’;
(k) Citizens who directly participated in tests of nuclear weapons, radioactive warfare agents in the atmosphere, nuclear weapons underground or exercises involving the use of such weapons and radioactive warfare agents until the date of the actual cessation of such tests and exercises, direct participants in the elimination of radiation accidents at nuclear installations of surface and submarine ships and other military facilities, direct participants in the conduct and support of work to collect and dispose of radioactive substances, as well as direct participants in exercises involving the collection and disposal of radioactive substances, and also direct participants in exercises involving the use of such weapons and radioactive warfare agents.
l) military personnel, employees of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, the penal system, the federal fire service of the State Fire Service, who performed tasks in conditions of armed conflict in the Chechen Republic and in adjacent territories classified as zone armed conflict, and the specified military personnel performing tasks during counter-terrorism operations in the North Caucasus region;
m) Heroes of the Russian Federation, persons awarded three Orders of Courage;
o) citizens serving (have passed) military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, citizens serving (have passed) military service (service) in the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, in military formations and bodies specified in paragraph 6 of Article 1 of the Federal Law of 31 May 1996 N 61-FZ "On Defense", subject to their participation in a special military operation in the territories of Ukraine, the Donetsk People's Republic, the Lugansk People's Republic, the Zaporozhye region and the Kherson region and (or) their fulfillment of tasks to repel an armed invasion of the territory of the Russian Federation, during an armed provocation on the State border of the Russian Federation and the border territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation adjacent to the areas of special military operations in the territories of Ukraine, the Donetsk People's Republic, the Lugansk People's Republic, the Zaporozhye region and the Kherson region, located (were) in the indicated territories, employees (workers) of law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation, citizens performing (performing) official and other similar functions in these territories;
o) citizens called up for military service upon mobilization into the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, citizens who have entered into a contract for voluntary assistance in carrying out tasks assigned to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, subject to their participation in a special military operation in the territories of Ukraine, the Donetsk People's Republic, Lugansk People's Republic, Zaporozhye region and Kherson region and (or) their implementation of tasks to repel an armed invasion into the territory of the Russian Federation, during an armed provocation on the State Border of the Russian Federation and the border territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation adjacent to the areas of special military operations in the territories Ukraine, Donetsk People's Republic, Lugansk People's Republic, Zaporozhye region and Kherson region, citizens who entered into a contract (having other legal relations) with an organization promoting the implementation of tasks assigned to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, subject to their participation in a special military operation in these territories ;
p) persons who, in accordance with decisions of state authorities of the Donetsk People's Republic, Lugansk People's Republic, took part in hostilities as part of the Armed Forces of the Donetsk People's Republic, the People's Militia of the Lugansk People's Republic, military formations and bodies of the Donetsk People's Republic and Lugansk People's Republic starting from May 11, 2014;
c) children of persons specified in subparagraphs n - p of this paragraph;
t) children of military personnel, employees of federal executive authorities and federal state bodies in which federal law provides for military service, employees of internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, employees of the penal and correctional system of the Russian Federation who were sent to other states by the state authorities of the Russian Federation and who took part in combat operations in the performance of their official duties in those states;
y) children of medical workers who died as a result of infection with a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) in the performance of their work duties, under basic professional educational programmes of medical education and pharmaceutical education.
Peculiarities of entrance tests for disabled persons and persons with disabilities
70. When conducting entrance examinations for entrants from among the disabled and persons with disabilities (hereinafter - entrants with disabilities) FSBEU VO ‘Volga Region GUFKSiT’ ensures the creation of conditions taking into account the peculiarities of psychophysical development of entrants, their individual capabilities and state of health (hereinafter - special conditions, individual characteristics).
71. When conducting entrance examinations in the FSBEI HE ‘Volga Region GUFKSiT’ provides unimpeded access of entrants with disabilities to classrooms, toilets and other rooms, as well as their stay in these rooms (including the availability of ramps, lifts, handrails, widened doorways, lifts; in the absence of lifts, the classroom should be located on the ground floor of the building).
72. Full-time entrance examinations for applicants with disabilities shall be held in a separate auditorium.
The number of entrants with disabilities in one room should not exceed:
when taking an entrance test in writing - 12 people;
when taking an entrance test in oral form - 6 people;
It is allowed the presence in the auditorium during the entrance examination of a greater number of entrants with disabilities, as well as conducting entrance examinations for entrants with disabilities in the same auditorium together with other entrants, if it does not create difficulties for entrants when taking the entrance examination.
It is allowed the presence in the auditorium during the entrance examination of an assistant from among the employees of FSBEI HE ‘Volga Region State University of Sports and Fitness’ or involved persons, providing entrants with disabilities the necessary technical assistance, taking into account their individual characteristics (to take a workplace, move, read and draw up the task, communicate with persons conducting the entrance examination).
73. The duration of the entrance test for entrants with disabilities is increased by decision of the Volga Region State University of Physical Education and Sports, but not more than 1.5 hours.
74. Entrants with disabilities shall be provided with information about the procedure for conducting entrance examinations in a form accessible to them.
75. Entrants with disabilities may use the technical means necessary for them due to their individual characteristics in the process of taking the entrance test.
76. When conducting entrance examinations, the following additional requirements depending on the individual characteristics of entrants with disabilities shall be met:
1) for the blind:
tasks to be performed at the entrance examination shall be drawn up in Braille or in the form of an electronic document accessible by means of a computer with specialised software for the blind or read out by an assistant;
written tasks are performed on paper in Braille or on a computer with specialised software for the blind or dictated to an assistant;
During the entrance tests in person, applicants are provided with a set of writing utensils and paper for writing in Braille, a computer with specialised software for the blind;
the form of additional entrance tests of professional orientation according to the decision of the chairman of the subject examination commission of FSBEIU VO ‘Volga Region State University of Physical Education and Sports’;
2) for the visually impaired:
individual uniform illumination of not less than 300 lux is provided (during the entrance tests in person);
entrants are provided with a magnifying device to perform the task if necessary (in the case of face-to-face entrance examinations), it is also possible to use their own magnifying devices;
tasks for fulfilment, as well as the instruction on the procedure for conducting entrance examinations are drawn up in enlarged font;
form of conducting additional entrance tests of professional orientation by the decision of the chairman of the subject examination commission of FSBEI HE ‘Volga Region State University of Physical Education and Sports’;
3) for the deaf and hearing impaired:
sound-amplifying equipment for collective use is provided, if necessary, sound-amplifying equipment for individual use is provided to the entrants (during the entrance examinations in person);
sign language interpreter services are provided;
the form of additional entrance tests of professional orientation according to the decision of the chairman of the subject examination commission of FSBEIU VO ‘Volga Region State University of Physical Education and Sports’;
4) the services of a sign language interpreter are provided for the deaf-blind (in addition to the requirements fulfilled for the blind and deaf respectively);
5) for persons with severe speech impairments, deaf, hearing impaired, entrance tests conducted in oral form shall be conducted in written form (additional entrance tests of professional orientation, entrance tests for admission to Master's degree programmes - by decision of the chairman of the Subject Examination Commission of FSBEIU VO ‘Volga Region State University of Physical Culture and Sports’);
6) for persons with locomotor system disorders, disorders of motor functions of the upper limbs or absence of upper limbs:
written tasks are performed on a computer with specialised software or dictated to an assistant;
entrance tests conducted in written form are conducted orally (additional entrance tests of professional orientation by the decision of the chairman of the subject examination commission of FSBEIU VO ‘Volga Region State University of Physical Education and Sports’).
77. The conditions specified in paragraphs 71 - 76 of the Rules of admission, are provided to applicants on the basis of an application for admission, containing information about the need to create special conditions for the applicant during the entrance tests in connection with his disability or disability, and a document confirming disability or disability, requiring the creation of these conditions.
In FGBOU HE ‘Volga Region GUFKSiT’, in addition to the established control figures of admission of citizens to training on budgetary places, the admission of students to the first year on places with the payment of tuition fees, within the number established by the admission plan.
Persons with higher professional education and wishing to master the second direction of training on bachelor's degree programmes (i.e. second higher education) can enter only on paid places.
For successful admission to places with the payment of tuition fees to the entrant must when filling out the application for admission to training to indicate that he plans to apply for places with the payment of tuition fees.
The following actions are the conditions for including the applicant in the order of admission to places with paid tuition fees:
- The results of entrance tests must be not less than the minimum number of points, confirming the successful completion of entrance tests for admission;
- Submission of the original education document (or a notarised copy of the education document);
- Conclusion by the applicant of an agreement on paid educational services with the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education ‘Volga Region State University of Physical Education and Sports’ in the Admissions Committee in person or remotely.
- For the conclusion of the contract in the distance form the applicant must send to the post office of the Admissions Committee passport data (scans of the page with a photo, propiska, and phone number) of one of the parents (if the applicant is under 18 years old, to conclude the contract);
- Admissions Committee forms a contract for paid educational services and sends the applicant to email with a receipt form for payment of tuition fees.
- When visiting in person, the Admissions Committee also forms a contract for paid educational services and gives the applicant a receipt for tuition fees.
- When concluding a contract in the distance form, the applicant should carefully read the contract, print it out and sign it (only signatures, no fields need to be filled in!!!!!); The template of the contract with signatures is attached. Signatures should be put as in the template and only with a blue pen! Black is not allowed! When you arrive to study, you will need to submit the signed original contract in three copies. And hand it in to the admission office.
- At personal visit the contract on rendering paid educational services is signed by the enrollee at once.
- You can pay for education in any bank. After payment you need to scan the cheque and send it to the e-mail of the admission committee (or bring it personally to the admission committee). Enrolment will take place only on the basis of tuition fees for the 1st course.
- Payment by maternity capital is possible. And also through educational credit. In these cases, a personal visit to the Admissions Office by the applicant and a parent (in the case of payment by maternity capital - mother) is required.
For admission to study under the control numbers for full-time and part-time bachelor's degree programmes:
1) on 27 July 2024 the publication of competitive lists is carried out;
2) enrolment is carried out in 2 stages:
28 - 30 July 2024 the stage of priority enrolment is carried out, where the enrolment of persons entering without entrance examinations, entering for places within quotas is carried out;
3 - 9 August 2024 the main stage of enrolment is held, which enrolls persons entering based on the results of entrance examinations for the main places within the control numbers, remaining after enrolment without entrance examinations (hereinafter - the main competitive places);
3) at each stage of enrolment, the day of completion of original admission from persons subject to enrolment at this stage shall be established:
at the priority enrolment stage - 28 July 2024;
at the main stage of enrolment - 3 August 2024;
4) issuance of enrolment order(s) shall be carried out:
at the stage of priority enrolment - 29 July or 30 July 2024;
at the main stage of enrolment - not earlier than 4 August and not later than 9 August 2024;
Acceptance of original documents of the established sample (marking the submission of the original on the USGU) is completed at 12:00 Moscow time on the days;
At admission to study under agreements on the provision of paid educational services under bachelor's degree programmes on full-time and part-time forms of study the admission procedures are carried out in the following terms:
first stage of enrolment:
8 August 2024 completion of the acceptance of the original from the persons subject to admission at this stage included in the admission lists;
9 August 2024 issuance of admission order(s).
second stage of enrolment:
15 August 2024, completion of the acceptance of the original from the persons subject to admission at this stage included in the lists of applicants;
16 August 2024 issuance of admission order(s).
third stage of admission:
28 August 2024 the acceptance of the original from the persons subject to admission at this stage included in the admission lists is completed;
29 August 2024 issuance of the order(s) on enrolment.
Enrolment for places under agreements on paid educational services is carried out after the conclusion of an agreement on paid educational services and upon presentation of a receipt (copy) of payment for 1 year of study.
1) For admission to training, the applicant shall submit an application for admission to training with the required documents.
2) In the application for admission the applicant shall specify:
- admission conditions for which the applicant wants to be enrolled in FSBEU VO "Volga Region GUFKSiT" for the relevant places;
- priorities of admission under different conditions of admission (hereinafter - the priorities of admission), separately for admission to training for places within the control numbers and under agreements on paid educational services.
3) The entrant shall indicate the following enrolment priorities:
- for admission to places within the target quota - the priority of admission to the specified places (hereinafter - the priority of the target quota);
- for admission to the main places within the control numbers, and (or) to the places within the separate quota, and (or) to the places within the special quota - priority of admission to the specified places (hereinafter - priority of other places).
4) Enrolment priorities are indicated by sequential numbers. The height of admission priorities (priority of admission) decreases with increasing numbers.
5) Admission shall be carried out in accordance with the admission priorities indicated in the application(s) for admission, according to the competitive lists until the established number of places is filled.
6) Enrolment shall be carried out in one or more stages by decision of FGBOU VO "Volga Region GUFKSiT". At each stage of enrolment the Volga Region GUFKSiT establishes the day of completion of the original document of the established sample (hereinafter - the day of completion of the original document).
7) The applicant for places within the control numbers shall be enrolled in accordance with the highest priority of enrolment, according to which he/she passes in the competition for these places.
8) The entrant to the places for training under agreements on rendering paid educational services shall be enrolled in accordance with one or more priorities of enrolment. Enrolment on places for training under agreements on paid educational services is carried out regardless of enrolment on places within the control figures.
9) On the day of completion of the original admission, the applicant may submit the original or a copy of the document of the established sample, make a mark about the submission of the original on the UPGU, submit an application for consent to enrolment (in case of admission to training under agreements on the provision of paid educational services in the case of failure to submit to FSBEIU VO "Volga Region State University of Physical Education and Sports Technology" the original document of the established sample and the absence of a mark on the submission of the original to FSBEIU VO "Volga Region State University of Physical Education and Sports Technology" on EPGU) before the time established by FSBEIU VO "Volga Region State University of Physical Education and Sports Technology".
10) If the applicant has submitted an application for admission via the UPGU, he/she may tick the original on the UPGU or submit to FSBEI VO "Volga Region GUFKSiT" the original document of the established sample in person or via a public postal service operator.
11) If the applicant submits the original document of the established sample to any organisation, the mark of the original submission on the USSGU is considered invalid.
12) At each stage of enrolment FGBOU VO "Volga Region GUFKSiT" determines the highest priority of enrolment, according to which the entrant passes through the competition (hereinafter - the highest priority)
13) Acceptance of original documents of the established sample (marking the submission of the original on the USGS) ends at 12:00 Moscow time on the days of completion of the original documents from the persons to be enrolled at each stage.
X. General rules for filing and considering appeals
62. According to the results of entrance tests conducted by FSBEIU VO "Volga Region GUFKSiT" independently, the entrant (or his proxy) has the right to appeal to the Appeals Commission on the violation, in the opinion of the entrant, the established procedure for conducting the entrance test and (or) disagreement with the received assessment of the results of the entrance test.
63. Appeal is submitted (sent) in one of the ways:
a) submitted by the entrant or authorised person in person to the Admissions Commission of FSBEI HE "Volga Region GUFKSiT";
b) sent to FSBEI HE "Volga Region GUFKSiT" by e-mail to the address of the Admissions Committee.
64. In the course of the appeal is verified compliance with the established procedure for conducting the entrance test and (or) the correctness of the evaluation of the results of the entrance test.
65. Appeal shall be filed on the day of the announcement of the results of the entrance test or within the next working day. Appeal about the violation of the established procedure for conducting the entrance test can also be filed on the day of the entrance test.
66. Consideration of the appeal shall be held no later than the next working day after the day of its submission.
67. The entrant (or his/her authorised representative) has the right to be present during the appeal. A minor entrant (under 18 years of age) has the right to be attended by one of his/her parents or legal representatives, except for minors recognised by law as fully capable before reaching the age of majority (Article 56, paragraph 1, of the Family Code of the Russian Federation (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, No. 1, Art. 16)).
68. After consideration of the appeal, the appeal commission shall make a decision to change the assessment of the results of the entrance test or leave the said assessment unchanged.
The decision of the Appeal Commission formalised by the protocol is brought to the attention of the entrant (or his/her proxy). The fact of familiarisation of the entrant (or his/her proxy) with the decision of the Appeal Commission is certified by the signature of the entrant (or his/her proxy), or is sent by e-mail. 69.
69. Consideration of the appeal is not a retake of the entrance test.
1. In accordance with part 5.1 of Article 71 of Federal Law No. 273-FZ, the right to admission to training for places within a separate quota shall have:
1) Heroes of the Russian Federation, persons awarded three Orders of Courage;
2) citizens performing (having performed) military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, citizens performing (having performed) military service (service) in the National Guard troops of the Russian Federation, in military formations and bodies specified in paragraph 6 of Article 1 of Federal Law No. 61-FZ of 31 May 1996 "On Defence", provided they participate in a special military operation and (or) perform tasks to repel an armed invasion into the territory of the Russian Federation, during an armed provocation on the State border of the Russian Federation, or during an armed provocation on the territory of the Russian Federation.
3) citizens called up for military service upon mobilisation in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, citizens who have concluded a contract on voluntary assistance in the performance of tasks assigned to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, provided they participate in a special military operation and (or) perform tasks to repel an armed invasion of the territory of the Russian Federation, during an armed provocation on the State border of the Russian Federation and the border territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation adjacent to the areas where the military operation was carried out.
4) persons who, in accordance with the decisions of the state authorities of the Donetsk People's Republic, the Lugansk People's Republic, took part in combat operations as part of the Armed Forces of the Donetsk People's Republic, the People's Militia of the Lugansk People's Republic, military formations and bodies of the Donetsk People's Republic and the Lugansk People's Republic starting from 11 May 2014;
5) children of the persons specified in paragraphs 2-4 of this item;
6) children of military servicemen, employees of federal executive authorities and federal state bodies in which federal law provides for military service, employees of internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, employees of the criminal-executive system of the Russian Federation who were sent to other states by the state authorities of the Russian Federation and who took part in combat operations while performing their official duties in these states;
2. Admitted to places within a separate quota without entrance tests (except for additional entrance tests of creative and (or) professional orientation):
1) Heroes of the Russian Federation, persons awarded three Orders of Courage (paragraph 1 of part 5.1 of Article 71 of Federal Law No. 273-FZ);
2) children of persons specified in paragraphs 2-4 of part 5.1 of Article 71 of Federal Law No. 273-FZ, children of servicemen and employees specified in paragraph 6 of part 5. 1 of Article 71, paragraph 1 of Federal Law No. 273-FZ, if these persons, servicemen and employees were killed or received an injury (wound, trauma, contusion) or disease while performing military service (official duties) during a special military operation (combat operations in the territories of foreign states) or were awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation or were awarded three Orders of Courage.
Other persons specified in part 5.1 of Article 71 of Federal Law No. 273-FZ are admitted to places within a separate quota based on the results of the USE or on the results of entrance tests conducted by the organisation independently, at the choice of these persons.
Admission results
At each stage of enrolment FSBEIU VO "Volga Region GUFKSiT" determines the highest priority of enrolment, according to which the applicant passes in competition (hereinafter - the highest priority).
The applicant for the places within the control numbers is enrolled in accordance with the highest priority of enrolment, according to which he/she passes in the competition for these places.