The College is a structural subdivision of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Povolzhsky GUFKSiT", on the basis of which educational, research, educational, cultural and outreach activities in the field of secondary vocational education are carried out.

In the college lectures are given by qualified teachers, associate professors and professors. While studying at the college, students in practical classes acquire professional skills necessary for further professional activity.

College classes are held on the basis of the University, where all conditions for teaching and research work are created. During their studies, students spend their leisure time in an interesting and varied way, participate and win in sports competitions, student festivals and scientific conferences.

Before enrolment

Educational programmes

Information on the educational programmes of FSBEI HE "Povolzhsky GUFKSiT":

Rules of Admission
List of specialities for admission
Requirement to the level of education of the applicant
List of entrance tests
Number of places for admission
Deadlines for submission of documents

Admission to FGBOU VO "Povolzhsky GUFKSiT" on educational programmes is carried out for the first year by personal application of citizens. Admission of documents begins on 20 June 2024.

Admission of applications to FSBEI HE "Volga Region GUFKSiT" for full-time education in specialties (professions) 09.02.07 Information Systems and Programming, 43.02.16 Tourism and Hospitality, 43.01.01 Waiter, bartender is carried out until 15 August 2024, and if there are free places in FSBEI HE "Volga Region GUFKSiT" admission of documents is extended until 25 November 2024.

Acceptance of applications from persons entering for training in the specialties 49.02.01 Physical Culture, 49.02.02 Adaptive Physical Culture, requiring certain creative abilities, physical and (or) psychological qualities, is carried out until 10 August 2024, and if there are free places in FSBEU VO "Volga Region State University of Physical Culture and Sport" admission of documents is extended until 25 November 2024.

List of documents required for admission

Admission procedure

Submission of documents

From 20 June 2024 the admission of documents begins

Documents required for admission shall be submitted (sent) to FSBEU VO "Povolzhsky GUFKSiT" in one of the following ways:

1. are submitted in person by the applicant or by a proxy to the Admissions Committee;

2. sent through public postal operators;

3. sent electronically through the Personal Cabinet of the applicant;

4. sent electronically using the super service "Admission to university online" through the federal state information system "Unified portal of state and municipal services (functions)" (UPGU).

Electronic submission of an application for training at FSBEI VO "Volga Region State University of Physical Education and Sports" is carried out from 20 June 2024 through the Personal Office of the applicant

You must have a valid e-mail (electronic mail) in order to register in the Personal Cabinet. For correct work we recommend to use modern versions of browsers. If filling in the electronic application form causes difficulties, you can contact the specialists of the Admissions Office 8 (843) 294-90-90, 8 800 250 50 59 (Call toll-free within Russia) or submit your documents in person to the Admissions Office at 35 Universiade Village St., Kazan, office F 123. The specialists of the Admissions Office will help you.

1. After your electronic application and documents have been processed, you will be contacted by a specialist of the Admissions Office and informed of your examination number (the last 5 digits of your SNILS or individual ID number and the letters indicating its priority). You will also need to come to the Admissions Office to get a receipt and take a photo for the electronic pass. For the admission test pass the applicant will need to present the receipt and passport. 

2. After acceptance of the application and the list of required documents, the applicant is given a receipt on acceptance of documents with the indication of his/her examination number (5 last digits of SNILS or individual ID number and letters indicating his/her priority direction). The examination number will have to be used when taking entrance examinations.

3. When conducting written entrance examinations, the examination number shall be indicated by the entrant in the entrance examination answer form.

4. At carrying out of additional entrance tests of professional orientation the examination number is applied by the entrant on a white T-shirt with black indelible paint, the location of the number on the chest and back.

5. To pass the entrance tests, the applicant will need to present a receipt and passport.

6. Entrants who have submitted documents in electronic form, before the entrance examinations should contact the Admissions Office to obtain a receipt and photograph for the student's electronic admission pass

Before submitting documents, please carefully read the instructions for submitting documents 

The application for admission to study must be filled out strictly according to the sample; lines cannot be deleted.

Enrolment deadlines

The entrant shall submit the original document on education and (or) document on education and qualifications within the deadlines established by the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Povolzhsky GUFKSiT".

The entrant applying for admission to the places at the expense of budgetary allocations of the federal budget submits the original document on education in time until 17-00 hours on 19 August 2024.

The entrant applying for admission to places under agreements on the provision of paid educational services submits the original document on education, as well as must conclude an agreement on the provision of paid educational services, and submit a receipt of payment for one semester in time until 17-00 hours on 24 August 2024.

20 August 2024 - an order is issued for enrolment for places at the expense of budgetary allocations of the federal budget.

26 August 2024 - an order is issued for enrolment for places under agreements on the provision of paid educational services.

Medical check-up

When submitting an application for admission to study, the applicant submits a medical certificate of the established form (form No. 086/u, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of December 15, 2014 No. 834n “On approval of unified forms of medical documentation used in medical organizations providing medical care in an outpatient setting, and procedures for filling them out) for admission to the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Povolzhsky GUFKSiT" for all areas of training for bachelor's and master's programs.

If an applicant has medical contraindications established by order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Povolzhsky GUFKSiT" ensures that he is informed about the contraindications associated with these contraindications, the consequences during the period of study and subsequent professional activities.

If the applicant fails to provide, or the medical certificate (conclusion) is invalid, or if it does not contain, in whole or in part, information about the medical examination, the applicant, or his legal representatives (parents), or an authorized representative bears responsibility.

In the areas of training 49.02.01 Physical culture, 49.02.02 Adaptive physical culture, a medical certificate of the established form is provided before conducting professional entrance tests.

For areas of training 02/43/16 Tourism and Hospitality, 01/43/01 Waiter, bartender, a medical certificate of the established form is provided before the date of enrollment.

Schedule of entrance tests

The schedule of entrance exams will be posted no later than 1 June 2024

Record of individual achievements
Admission under a special-purpose contract

The agreement on targeted training is checked by the Admissions Committee of the Volga Region State University of Physical Culture and Sport. The agreement can be sent for verification to or you can apply in person to the Admissions Office at 35 Universiade Village St., Kazan, office 123. Only after verification by the Admissions Committee and signed by all parties of the target education agreement, the applicant submits the necessary documents for admission within the established admission deadlines. 

The consent of the legal representative - parent, adoptive parent or guardian of a minor citizen, executed in writing, shall be attached to the contract and shall be an integral part thereof. in case the contract is concluded with a minor citizen or in cases when the citizen has not acquired full legal capacity in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Submission and consideration of appeals

7.1 According to the results of the entrance test, the entrant has the right to submit to the Appeals Commission of FSBEI HE "Volga Region GUFKSiT" a written statement of violation, in his opinion, the established procedure for conducting the test and (or) disagreement with its results (hereinafter - appeal).

7.2 Consideration of the appeal is not a retake of the entrance test. In the course of consideration of the appeal only the correctness of the assessment of the results of the entrance test is checked.

7.3 Appeal is submitted by the applicant personally on the day after the announcement of the result of the entrance test.

Appeal is submitted (sent) in one of the ways:

a) submitted by the entrant or authorised person (with duly executed powers) in person to the Admissions Commission of FSBEU VO "Volga Region GUFKSiT";

b) sent to FSBEI HE "Volga Region GUFKSiT" by e-mail to the Admissions Committee.

In this case, the applicant has the right to familiarise himself with the assessment of the results of passing the standards and the criteria for evaluating their performance during the entrance test, in the order established by the FSBEI HE "Volga Region GUFKSiT".

The Admissions Committee ensures the reception of appeals during the whole working day.

Consideration of appeals shall be held no later than the day following the day of familiarisation with the results of the norms and the criteria for evaluating their performance.

7.4 The entrant has the right to be present during the consideration of the appeal. The entrant must have his/her identity document with him/her. Appeals are considered in person. It is possible to participate without personal presence, i.e. in online form in case of a valid reason.

7.5. One of the parents (legal representatives) has the right to be present with a minor applicant.

7.6 Decisions of the Appeal Commission shall be made by a majority of votes of the persons who are members of the Appeal Commission and present at its meeting. In case of equality of votes, the vote of the person presiding at the meeting of the appeal commission shall be decisive.

7.7 After consideration of the appeal, the decision of the Appeal Commission on the assessment of the entrance test shall be made.

The decision of the appeal committee formalised by the protocol is brought to the attention of the applicant (against signature).

Admission of persons with disabilities

6.1. Persons with disabilities upon admission to the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Povolzhsky State University of Physical Culture and Sports" who have submitted documents confirming their disability or limited health capabilities, pass entrance tests taking into account the characteristics of psychophysical development, individual capabilities and health status (hereinafter - individual characteristics) of such applicants.

6.2. When conducting entrance examinations, the following requirements are ensured:

entrance examinations are conducted for disabled people and persons with disabilities in the same classroom together with applicants who do not have disabilities, if this does not create difficulties for applicants when passing the entrance test;

the presence of an assistant from among the employees of the educational organization or involved persons, who provides applicants with the necessary technical assistance, taking into account their individual characteristics (take a workplace, move around, read and complete the task, communicate with the examiner);

applicants are provided with printed instructions on the procedure for conducting entrance examinations;

entrants, taking into account their individual characteristics, can use the necessary technical means in the process of taking the entrance test;

material and technical conditions should provide the possibility of unimpeded access to the auditorium, toilet and other rooms, as well as their stay in these rooms (availability of ramps, handrails, widened doorways, lifts, in the absence of lifts the auditorium should be located on the ground floor; availability of special chairs and other devices).

In addition, when conducting entrance examinations, the following requirements depending on the categories of entrants with disabilities shall be ensured:

a) for the blind:

the tasks to be performed at the entrance test, as well as the instruction on the procedure for conducting entrance tests are drawn up in Braille or in the form of an electronic document accessible via a computer with specialised software for the blind, or read out by an assistant;

written assignments are performed on paper in Braille or on a computer with specialised software for the blind or dictated to an assistant;

if necessary, applicants are provided with a set of writing materials and paper for writing in Braille, a computer with specialised software for the blind;

b) for the visually impaired:

individual uniform lighting of not less than 300 lux is provided;

if necessary, a magnifying device is provided to those entering to fulfil the task;

the tasks for fulfilment, as well as the instruction on the procedure for conducting entrance examinations are drawn up in enlarged font;

c) for the deaf and hearing impaired:

availability of sound-amplifying equipment for collective use, if necessary, entrants are provided with sound-amplifying equipment for individual use;

d) for persons with severe speech impairments, deaf, hearing impaired, all entrance tests may be conducted in written form at the request of applicants;

e) for persons with musculoskeletal disorders (severe motor disorders of the upper limbs or absence of upper limbs):

written tasks are performed on a computer with specialised software or dictated to an assistant;

at the request of applicants, all entrance examinations may be conducted orally.

Admission results

Enrolment lists

For enrolment, the applicant shall submit the original document on education and a statement of consent to enrolment.

The entrant applying for admission to places at the expense of budgetary allocations of the federal budget submits the original document on education and an application for consent to enrolment until 17-00 hours on 19 August 2024.

The entrant applying for admission to places under agreements on the provision of paid educational services shall submit the original document on education and an application for consent to admission, as well as must conclude an agreement on the provision of paid educational services, and submit a receipt of payment for one semester in time until 17-00 hours on 24 August 2024.

20 August 2024 - an order is issued for enrolment for places at the expense of budgetary allocations of the federal budget.

26 August 2024 - an order is issued for enrolment on places under agreements on paid educational services provision