The IRC is a unified complex of automated processes of information processing, storage and broadcasting, where the main objective is to provide information and literature for educational and scientific activities, dissemination of users' prompt access to the widest possible range of information resources with the provision of a diverse range of services. A part of information resources are electronic full-text resources, which are formed in accordance with the Russian legislation. Electronic full-text resources include the library's own resources (electronic library), borrowed full-text resources and purchased resources.
The main task of the IRC is to provide library and information support for educational, research, cultural and educational activities of the university by using the resources of the library collection, special software and technical equipment of the IRC. The possibility of local and remote access to information resources (IR) via the Internet, including free access to public information and access with authentication to closed information, the registration of users with different access rights to sections of the block is provided. Management of electronic information resources includes creation, storage and provision of electronic information resources to users, management of various attributes and versions.
The IRC provides reference, bibliographic and information services to all categories of users. The staff consults on the use of electronic resources (full-text and bibliographic databases, library catalogues), helps:
The staff of the Centre maintains an electronic database "Works of university teachers", enters articles on the areas of study into the electronic catalogue; the IRC organises and conducts training sessions for university staff and students on the use of electronic information resources. The IRC uses various forms of information: monthly "Days of new literature review", exhibitions of new acquisitions and thematic expositions are constantly operating.
The Information and Resource Centre is located in wing "F" of the teaching and laboratory building. It includes:
Open every day from 8:00 to 20:00
The electronic catalogue is organised as a set of databases (DB) for certain types of documents. It contains bibliographic records for all kinds of documents: monographs, research reports, theses, dissertations, textbooks, manuals, curricula, workshops, dictionaries, encyclopaedias, reference books, conference abstracts, collections of articles, articles from periodicals of universal subject matter, etc.
Provides access to full-text resources (teachers and students of the university) and remote Internet resources. Information about the publications appears in the electronic catalogue at the moment of creating a bibliographic record when a document is added to the library collection.
The electronic catalogue also contains analytical descriptions reflecting articles from periodicals and collections. DB "Scientific articles" is based on the analytical list of periodicals and continuing editions.
"Articles from IRBIS DB" is a consolidated database, which contains a complete analytical inventory of journals, reflects articles from Russian journals, periodicals and continuing editions of universities and totals more than 23 thousand. The catalogue includes articles from periodicals, collections, conference materials, etc.
The section offers a list of the main periodical, educational, methodological and scientific-educational resources of remote access, both in Russian and in foreign languages. From any university computer connected to the Internet, a connection is organized in multi-user mode without limiting the number of simultaneous connections to the same resource.
The terms of use of most electronic resources are governed by license agreements that contain restrictions for the university. It is the responsibility of each user to ensure that these resources are used only for scientific and educational purposes. Systematic downloading, distribution or storage of large amounts of information may lead to termination of the university's access to the resource.
The electronic catalog includes full-text electronic publications and some bibliographic records have links to them. Search diversification is supported, including indexed information resources of the storage subsystem. When setting up the function of selective display of search query results, results are provided in the form of a list of links to relevant information resources. The search query results are sorted both by relevance and by the date the document was created.
In the “Simple Search” mode, the user has the opportunity to set a search query string, apply additional filters to the query results, and run predefined search queries.
When switching to the “Advanced Search” mode, the user selects restrictions and query parameters; he also has the opportunity to add/change search parameters.
The search is performed across all available information resources.
If a user has permission to view a resource, they have the ability to initiate a view operation. Correct reproduction of information resources is guaranteed by additional software installed on the user's computer. If a user has permission to download a resource, they can download the resource to their local computer.
The content of the block meets the requirements of scientific accuracy and is aimed at various user groups.
Фонд электронной библиотеки составляет более 5000 наименований и постоянно пополняется новинками, в большинстве своем это учебники и учебные пособия для всех уровней профессионального образования от ведущих научных школ с соблюдением требований новых ФГОСов.
ЭБС «Юрайт» создает все условия для инклюзивного образования, обеспечивающие возможность использования адаптивных технологий для обучения людей с ограниченными возможностями, в частности незрячих и слабовидящих.
ЭБС Лань — среда развития и познания
Как мы работаем?
Мы предоставляем доступ к электронным версиям книг от издательств учебной и научной литературы, а также к периодическим изданиям по различным областям знаний. Мы сотрудничаем с библиотеками, вузами и ссузами. Студенты получают большое количество бесплатного контента в любое время: на нашем сайте и в мобильном приложении. Это литература ведущих издательств: "Флинта", "Физматлит", "Дашков и К", "Феникс", "СпецЛит", "Лань" и многие другие. Книги в нашей электронной библиотеке можно конспектировать, цитировать, автоматически получать выходные данные для библиографических списков. Это быстро и очень удобно.
Преподаватели находят в наших фондах редкие профильные книги и учебники, формируют списки литературы с помощью "Модуля РПД", обмениваются необходимыми материалами при вступлении вуза в состав участников СЭБ ("Сетевой электронной библиотеки").
Сегодня ЭБС Лань - это:
? более 114 000 книг;
? более 440 издательств-партнеров;
? более 800 подписчиков — образовательных и научных организаций России и стран СНГ;
? более 1 800 000 пользователей сервиса.
ООО ИВИС – одна из крупнейших компаний, предоставляющая различные виды услуг библиотекам и архивам, университетам и институтам, коммерческим и государственным предприятиям, а также другим клиентам, заинтересованным в быстром поиске, анализе и обработке больших объемов тематической информации.
Электронные версии периодических изданий:
Вопросы курортологии, физиотерапии и лечебной физической культуры
Вузовский вестник
Высшее образование в России
Советский спорт
Теория и практика физической культуры
Успехи физиологических наук
Физиология человека
Физическая культура: воспитание, образование, тренировка