
Information about the institute

The Institute of Additional Education of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Volga region State University of Physical Culture and Technology" is an educational structural unit of the university that implements educational programs of additional education.

It was founded in 2012 as a Center for Advanced Training and Retraining of Specialists to meet the needs of the Republic of Tatarstan for advanced training of specialists working in the field of physical education and sports.

In 2016, due to the expansion of the list of programs being implemented (mainly due to projects for organizing children's recreation), it was renamed the Center for Continuing Education.

In 2021, by decision of the Academic Council, the structural unit received the status of the Institute of Further Education. This sets us new goals and objectives in the organization and implementation of additional education, taking into account modern requirements for the activities of universities.

Currently, the Institute is headed by Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Elvira Rimovna Rumyantseva.

The Institute implements additional professional retraining and advanced training programs, as well as a wide range of general education programs.

Every year, over 3,000 thousand students are trained at the Institute, over 40 additional education programs are implemented in the most relevant areas of training in the field of physical education, sports, adaptive physical education, tourism and service, both at the request of employers and at the request of students.

Training of students is carried out on a full-time basis, full-time with the use of distance learning technologies and in the form of individual internship in all areas of training, in accordance with the University's licence for educational activities.

Professional retraining within the framework of additional professional programmes includes the formation of new competencies for the students to carry out new types of professional activities on the basis of secondary and higher education. After successful completion of educational programmes, students receive a diploma of professional retraining.

Training under additional professional programmes of professional development is aimed at obtaining new professional knowledge within the framework of performed job functions, development of professional competencies. After successful completion of educational programmes, students receive a certificate of professional development.

The Institute offers a large number of general education programmes. There are advanced English language courses for people with different levels of training and taking into account the goals of study (Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Preparation for the qualification test in English language TOEFL, Business - English language course), Italian language courses for people travelling for internship in the areas of Hospitality and Tour Operator activity.

An integral part of the educational process in all areas of training is practice-oriented educational process, master classes, round tables with leading experts in their field.

The Institute maintains close ties with employers and business community in the field of physical culture, sport and tourism. Effective co-operation with the Ministry of Sport of the Russian Federation, regional executive authorities in the field of physical culture, sport, youth policy and tourism, national and regional sports federations has been established.

The Institute offers preparatory courses for final year students. Studying at preparatory courses gives an opportunity to prepare for the USE in biology in more depth.  

Additional general education courses "Russian as a foreign language" are organised for foreign students. Preparation is carried out in two directions: "medicine, biology, physical culture" and "tourism, service, management". Every year graduates of the courses enter the University, as well as other universities.

In its activity the Institute is oriented on satisfaction of personnel demands of economy, science and society; modern requirements to practical application of professional knowledge and skills.

Rules for submitting applications for training on additional education programmes

  1. See the list of programmes on our website in the Documents section.

  2. Select the programme you are interested in.

  3. Send your enquiry to the Institute of Further Education email:

  4. In the request specify: full name, the name of the programme of interest with the number of hours and contact details (phone number).

  5. Waiting for a response from the specialists of the Institute of additional Education.

For more information please call 8(843)294-90-08 from Monday to Friday from 11.00 to 15.00 (Moscow time).

Normative documents regulating the activities of the Institute of Further Education

Professional retraining programmes

Professional development programmes

Центр развития кадрового потенциала туристкой отрасли


  • Address:
  • 420010, Kazan, Universiade Village, building. 35, Training and Laboratory Building, 1st floor, Auditorium F111; Director of the Institute of Additional Education: F111 (a); Specialists of the Institute of Additional Education: F111 (b);
  • Phones:
  • + 7 (843) 294-90-08 (Институт дополнительного образования)
  • Email:
  • Worktime:
  • Monday-Friday from 9:00h to 18:00h, Lunch break 13:00h -14:00h Saturday, Sunday - days off