
Information about the institute

The Research Institute of Physical Culture and Sport at the Volga Region State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism is a professional in the field of sports functional diagnostics, rehabilitation, biomechanics and biochemistry. Modern equipment significantly enhances the ability of these professionals to unlock the potential of athletes and their medical and biological support.

The Institute includes:

  • medical and sanitary unit at the Rowing Centre: (
  • 6 laboratories located in the building of the training and laboratory complex: 

    1) Laboratory of sports genetics and molecular physiology;

    2)Laboratory for biochemical and clinical diagnostic tests;

    3) Laboratory of Sports Biomechanics;

    4)Sports Physiology Laboratory;

    5) Laboratory of sports statistics and analytics;

    6) Laboratory for comprehensive monitoring of sports facilities, equipment and materials.

For almost 10 years of existence, the staff of the Research Institute has repeatedly confirmed its reputation by raising the level of performance of athletes.



The Research Institute uses the following methods and equipment:

  • Anthropometry with characterisation of individual-typological features of physique and analysis of body composition by bioimpedanceometry method on a Japanese analyser Tanita MC 780
  • Psychophysiological research of sensorimotor systems - simple visual-motor reaction, attention assessment, noise tolerance, etc., on the NS-Psychotest device
  • Psychological testing of emotional-affective reactions - anxiety, depression and cognitive functions - memory for images, memory for numbers, logical thinking on the NS-Psychotest device
  • Investigation of cardiovascular system with application of functional diagnostics methods - ECG, load ECG testing, heart rate variability on Poly-Spectrum device; cardiac ultrasound
  • Investigation of respiratory system function on the basis of spirography on Spirobank spirometer
  • Neurophysiological study of monosynaptic and polysynaptic reflex excitability to determine the strength of neurodynamic processes in the CNS using the Neuromian NMA-4-01 neuromioanalyser
  • Hardware study of aerobic physical performance by means of gas analyser Metalyzer 3 B MPK, PANO and anaerobic performance on various ergometers maximally simulating specific movements of different sports: Wingate-test manual and foot test
  • Investigation of the metabolic system by laboratory diagnostics of the state of energy, protein, carbohydrate metabolism and lipid profile on a haematological analyser and biochemical analyser Sapphire 400
  • Laboratory analysis of hormonal and immunological status using laboratory test systems and microplate photometer "Tecan"
  • Haematological analysis on MEK analyser (leukocyte formula, haematocrit, haemoglobin level, 22 parameters in total. Analyses of blood coagulation processes are performed with the Diagon device