Работа приемной комиссии основана на использовании следующей нормативной базы: Regulations on the Admissions Committee pdf, 4 MB Regulations on the Appeal Commission pdf, 1.66 MB Order of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation from 30.08.2019 № 666 "On Approval of the List of Entrance Tests for Admission to Higher Education Programmes - Bachelor's and Specialist Programmes" pdf, 1.4 MB Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 12.09.2013 N 1061 "On Approval of the Lists of Specialities and Training Areas of Higher Education". pdf, 328.39 KB Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 18.11.2013 N 1245 "On establishing the conformity of the areas of higher education - bachelor's degree, areas of higher education - master's degree, specialities of higher education - specialist, the lists of which are approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 12 September 2013 N 1061, areas of higher professional education, confirmed by awarding qualifications (degrees) "bachelor" and "master", the lists of which are approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 12 September 2013. pdf, 260.42 KB Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 14.08.2013 N 697 "On approval of the list of specialties and areas of training, for admission to training in which applicants undergo mandatory preliminary medical examinations (examinations) in accordance with the procedure established at the conclusion of an employment contract or service contract for the relevant position or specialty". pdf, 133.18 KB Order of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation No. 1076 of 21 August 2020 "On Approval of the Procedure for Admission to Bachelor's, Specialist's and Master's Degree Programmes". pdf, 898.28 KB Regulations on the Subject Examination Commission pdf, 2.08 MB