Admission to the University
"What are the passing score for this year?" - is one of the most popular questions of applicants to the admission committee. However, it is impossible to answer it accurately before the end of the admission campaign. This means that it is possible to find out the passing score for the current year only when all exams have been passed and all applicants have submitted their documents for admission. In addition, the passing grades of the directions and profiles of training differ. Information about the passing scores for the previous year applicants can get from the orders on admission to the first year, which are posted on the website in the archive of the previous year. How is the passing score formed? The passing score is the sum of points of the last ranked applicant, which he/she received for all the exams required for admission. This number of points is enough to pass on the budget.
The minimum score is the threshold minimum score that must be achieved for an examination to be considered passed. If the applicant scores less than this value, he/she will not be able to apply to the university.
According to the new Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", the validity period of USE results has been increased to 4 years. That is, the validity period of the USE results (certificate) obtained in 2019 expires on 31 December 2023, and the validity period of the results (certificate) obtained in 2020 expires on 31 December 2024, respectively, and so on.
Since 2015. The USE in mathematics is divided into two levels - basic and profile. The basic level will be assessed on a five-point scale, and the profile level - on a hundred-point scale. To obtain a certificate it is enough to pass the USE in maths at the basic level.
Persons who have the results of USE in basic level maths can enter only those fields where maths is not included in the list of university entrance tests. The USE in mathematics of the profile level is required for admission to the directions of training, where mathematics is included in the list of entrance tests
In FSBEI VO "Povolzhsky GUFKSiT" successfully operates "Institute of additional education" which conducts courses for preparation for the Unified State Exam. Read more at the link
Entrants specified in this paragraph may take general education entrance tests conducted by FSBEI VO "Volga Region State University of Physical Education and Sports":
regardless of whether the entrant participated in the USE:
disabled persons (including disabled children);foreign citizens;in those subjects in which the entrant did not pass the USE in the current calendar year:
if the entrant has received a document on secondary general education in a foreign organisation.
Entrants specified in this paragraph may use the results of the USE (if any) along with passing general education entrance tests conducted by FSBEIU VO "Volga Region State University of Sports and Tourism" independently.
Entrants on the basis of secondary vocational education:
- a general education entrance test in Russian language is conducted as an entrance test in Russian language;
- admission tests on the basis of professional education are conducted in accordance with the focus (profile) of educational programmes of secondary vocational education, related to the Bachelor's degree programmes, for training on which admission is carried out. The relatedness of educational programmes of secondary vocational education and Bachelor's degree programmes shall be established by FSBEI HE "Volga Region State University of Physical Education and Sports".
- Or provide the results of the USE in general education subjects.
FGBOU VO "Povolzhsky GUFKSiT" is one of the few universities in Russia with 100% provision of accommodation for its students. Places are provided to full-time students, both budget students and those who study on places with tuition fees. Read more at the link
If you have any questions about transfer, please contact the institute where you plan to continue your education. Institute of Sport, Institute of Physical Education, Institute of Distance Education, International Institute of Hotel Management and Tourism
The amount of the scholarship and other types of financial support can be found here.
Yes, it is necessary to apply to the Institute of Further Education at the link
To move into the dormitory, the student must provide the following documents:
- certificate from the therapist about the absence of contraindications for living in the hostel (original);
- the result of fluorography for the last year (copy).
Additionally, first-year students submit copies of:
- passport (photo and propiska);
- medical policy;
- vaccination certificate.
Educational activities
Educational programmes of higher education provide a part of the programme formed by the participants of educational relations, so some disciplines in the Bachelor's and Master's programmes students choose themselves. Directorates of institutes collect applications for the disciplines chosen by the students and form appropriate groups of those who wish to study.
Yes, an unsatisfactory grade can be retaken within 1 year.
No, illness confirmed by a certificate is not a reason for expulsion, it is a valid reason.
Postgraduate studies
Persons with at least higher education (specialist or master's degree) are allowed to study postgraduate programmes.
To enroll in training, the applicant submits an application for admission to training with the necessary documents attached (hereinafter referred to as documents required for admission):
1) document(s) proving identity, citizenship (including a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, identifying a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation);
2) a document of the established form specified in paragraph 4 of the Rules for admission to study in educational programs of higher education -
programs for the training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel in graduate school (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) (including, he may submit a document of a foreign state on education with a certificate of recognition of foreign education, except for cases in which, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and (or) An international treaty does not require recognition of a foreign education).
The applicant may submit one or more documents of the established form.
A certificate of recognition of foreign education (if necessary) is submitted within the same time frame as the standard document;
3) a document confirming registration in the individual (personalized) accounting system (if available);
4) if it is necessary to create special conditions for the applicant specified in paragraph 43 of the Rules - a document confirming the disability, in connection with the presence of which it is necessary to create the specified conditions. Documentation confirming disability will be accepted by the University if it is valid on the date of application for admission;
5) documents confirming the individual achievements of the applicant, the results of which are taken into account when applying for training (submitted at the discretion of the applicant);
6) other documents (submitted at the discretion of the applicant);
7) two photographs of the applicant.
Entrants to the postgraduate programme shall pass the following entrance tests:
- a special discipline corresponding to the scientific specialty of the programme of training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel in postgraduate studies;
- philosophy;
- foreign language.
According to the Order of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation from October 20, 2021 № 951 "On approval of the federal state requirements for the structure of programmes of training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel in postgraduate studies (adjuncture), the conditions of their implementation, the terms of mastering these programmes, taking into account different forms of training, educational technologies and the characteristics of certain categories of postgraduate students (adjuncts)" the term of mastering the programme of postgraduate studies (adjuncts) in scientific specialties is determined in accordance with the Annex to the federal state requirements.
In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation dated October 13, 2021 No. 942 “On the Procedure and Duration of Attachment to Educational Organizations of Higher Education, Educational Organizations of Additional Professional Education and Scientific Organizations for the Preparation of a Dissertation for the Scientific Degree of Candidate of Sciences without Mastering the Training Program scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel in graduate school (adjunct studies)" establishes the rules for attaching persons with higher education, confirmed by a specialist or master's diploma, to prepare a dissertation for the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences (hereinafter referred to as the dissertation) without mastering scientific and scientific-pedagogical training programs personnel in graduate school (adjunct) (hereinafter referred to as attachment) to educational organizations of higher education, educational organizations of additional professional education and scientific organizations (hereinafter referred to as dissertation, attachment, organizations).
The mastering of postgraduate (adjuncture) programmes developed in accordance with federal state requirements is carried out in organisations in full-time form, except for organisations under the jurisdiction of the Office of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, federal executive authorities specified in part 1 of Article 81 of Federal Law No. 273-FZ of 29 December 2012 "On Education in the Russian Federation", for which part-time study is also allowed.
This norm applies, among other things, to training at the expense of an individual and (or) a legal entity (i.e. under an agreement on the provision of paid educational services).
According to the Regulations on the training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel in graduate school (adjunct), approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 30, 2021 No. 2122, a graduate student (adjunct) is approved an individual work plan, including an individual plan of scientific activity and an individual curriculum.
Thus, the University approves an individual work plan for a graduate student (adjunct), and an individual plan of scientific activity and an individual curriculum are its structural elements.
At the same time, it should be noted that, according to paragraph 4 of the federal state requirements for the structure of training programs for scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel in graduate school (adjunct), the conditions for their implementation, the timing of mastering these programs, taking into account various forms of training, educational technologies and the characteristics of certain categories of graduate students (adjuncts), approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 20, 2021 No. 951, the procedure for the formation and approval of an individual work plan for a graduate student (adjunct) is determined by the local regulatory act of the University.
In accordance with subparagraph 27 of paragraph 1 of Article 34 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation,” students have the right to combine education with work without prejudice to the development of the educational program or the implementation of the individual curriculum.
In accordance with Article 59 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (LC RF), a fixed-term employment contract, by agreement of the parties, can be concluded with persons receiving full-time education.
There are no restrictions on the employment of graduate students in labor legislation.
According to the Regulations on the training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel in graduate school (postgraduate studies), approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 30, 2021 No. 2122, an organization has the right to accept a graduate student for a position in accordance with the organization’s staffing table, including for a scientific position. support staff, educational support staff, engineering and technical workers, as well as for the position of teaching staff member and researcher, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
In the case of mastering a postgraduate program on the basis of an agreement on targeted training, the organization that ordered the targeted training has the right to employ a postgraduate student.
In addition, in accordance with federal state requirements approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 20, 2021 No. 951, graduate students combining the completion of a graduate program with work activity have the right to undergo internship at the place of work in cases where the professional activity carried out by them meets the requirements postgraduate programs for practical training.
According to Part 1 of Article 92 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law), state accreditation of educational activities is carried out for basic educational programs, with the exception of educational programs for preschool education, scientific training programs and scientific and pedagogical personnel in postgraduate (adjunct) studies, educational programs implemented in accordance with the federal state educational standard for the education of students with intellectual disabilities, and basic vocational training programs.
Part 7.1. Article 12 of the Federal Law establishes that organizations carrying out educational activities under programs for training scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel in graduate school (postgraduate studies) (with the exception of programs for training scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel in graduate school (postgraduate studies), implemented on the basis of independently established requirements, approved by educational organizations of higher education) develop the specified educational programs in accordance with federal state requirements (hereinafter together - the requirements).
According to Part 4 of Article 59 of the Federal Law, the final certification, which completes the development of state-accredited basic educational programs, is a state final certification.
Consequently, the final certification for training programs for scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel in graduate school (postgraduate studies), formed in accordance with the requirements, is not a state final certification.
According to Part 3 of Article 60 of the Federal Law, persons who successfully pass the final certification are issued documents on education and (or) qualifications, samples of which are independently established by organizations carrying out educational activities.
The procedure for final attestation on postgraduate (adjuncture) programmes, approved by the RF Government Resolution No. 2122 of 30 November 2021, does not provide for the procedure of repeated final attestation.
Department of Secondary Vocational Education
In the 2023-2024 academic year, enrolment will be for the following training areas:
Areas of training | Diploma speciality | Form of training | Term of study | ||
after 9th grade | after 11th grade | ||||
49.02.01 Physical Culture | Physical education and sports teacher | full-time | 3 years 10 months | 2 years 10 months | - |
49.02.02 Adaptive physical culture | Adaptive physical education teacher | full-time | 3 years 10 months | - | |
43.02.16 Tourism and hospitality | Tourism and hospitality specialist | full-time | 2 years 10 months | - | |
43.01.01 Waiter, bartender | Waiter, bartender | full-time | 2 years 10 months | - |
Areas of training | Diploma speciality | Professions | |
49.02.01 Physical Culture | Physical education and sports teacher | Physical education instructor in kindergarten, Teacher of physical education in a school, gymnasium, lyceum, Teacher of physical training/physical education, Head of physical education in colleges, technical schools, Coach-teacher in Children's and Youth Sports School, Organiser of recreation and leisure in holiday camps for children, recreation centres, Tourist/sports instructor in tourist centres | |
49.02.02 Adaptive physical culture | Adaptive physical education teacher | Instructor of physical education in kindergarten, Teacher of adaptive physical education in institutions for children with disabilities, Teacher of physical education in a school, gymnasium, lyceum, Teacher of physical training/physical education, Head of physical education in colleges, technical schools, Coach-teacher in Children's and Youth Sports School, Organiser of recreation and leisure in holiday camps for children, recreation centres, Tourist/sports instructor in tourist centres | |
43.02.16 Tourism and hospitality | Tourism and hospitality specialist | Room reservation agent, Hotel administrator/porter, Maid, Concierge, Head of the hotel enterprise service (engineering, reception and accommodation, room stock, etc.), Specialist in animation and organisation of leisure activities for tourists, Specialist in providing information support for tourists, Specialist in the organisation and provision of tourist services, Specialist in professional cleaning | |
43.01.01 Waiter, bartender | Waiter, bartender | Waiter, bartender restaurants, cafes, bars, nightclubs, etc. |
The choice of subjects for the Main State Exam does not affect admission to college.
Incoming students do not take the college entrance exams.
Yes. Entrance test of professional orientation is conducted on general physical training for those entering training programmes 49.02.01 Physical Culture, 49.02.02 Adaptive Physical Culture. It is conducted to determine the level of physical fitness of entrants.
When building the ranking of entrants who have successfully passed the entrance test and received points, the criteria are arranged in the following sequence:
- The average score of the certificate as a result of the entrant's mastering of the educational programme of basic general (for the 9th grade) or secondary general (for the 11th grade) education, specified in the documents on education (certificates) submitted by the entrants.
The grades indicated in the document are summed up and divided by their number. The value obtained as a result of these mathematical operations is rounded to hundredths of units and is the average score of the certificate.
If the average certificate score of two or more applicants is equal, the following indicators are set as priority and indicate the order in the ranked list without summing up the scores obtained: - scores in general education subjects are taken into account in the following order:
For educational programmes 49.02.01 Physical Education, 49.02.02 Adaptive Physical Education:
Biology; 2) Chemistry; 3) Russian language as a result of the entrant's mastering of the educational programme of basic general or secondary general education, specified in the education documents submitted by the entrant.
For educational programmes 43.01.01 Waiter, bartender, 43.02.16 Tourism and hospitality:
foreign language; 2) mathematics; 3) Russian language as a result of mastering by the entrant of the educational programme of basic general or secondary general education, specified in the documents on education and (or) documents on education and qualifications submitted by the entrant.
The maximum number of points is 15 points.
Minimum - 9 points. If the document does not contain any points for mastering a subject from the above list, 0 points are awarded.
Evaluation of the results of the entrance test "General physical training" for educational programmes 49.02.01 Physical Education, 49.02.02 Adaptive Physical Education.
- Presence of an agreement on targeted training.
- Availability of results of individual achievements.
In case of equality of scores on all the above-mentioned indicators, the priority is set for the entrant who has the highest sum of points for his best sports result.
Areas of training | Number of budgetary places | Number of places under agreements for paid educational services | ||
after 9th grade | after 11th grade | after 9th grade | after 11th grade | |
49.02.01 Physical Culture | 25 | - | 5 | 25 |
49.02.02 Adaptive physical culture | - | - | 30 | - |
43.02.16 Tourism and hospitality | - | - | 30 | - |
43.01.01 Waiter, bartender | - | - | 30 | - |
If you are considering admission to both budget and fee-paying studies, you should apply for both budget and fee-paying studies at the same time.
No. The entrance test is taken once. Its results will be counted both on the budget and paid training.
Dormitory accommodation will be provided for out-of-town students if needed.
College students will be taught, like University students, in University classrooms according to the class schedule.
College students' events will be organised on a compulsory basis, in conjunction with the events of the University's students according to the general plan of events.
Practical training and employment
The organisation must correspond to the direction of training and direction (profile) of training of the student.
Trainees under the contract of targeted training shall undergo practical training in the organisation with which the contract of targeted training is concluded, if the conditions of practical training meet the requirements to the content of practical training and a contract is concluded with the organisation that is the place of practical training.
You can only undertake industrial practice at your place of work if the professional activity meets the requirements of the internship content.
A sample agreement on practical training of students is available on the University website in the section ‘Career and Employment Centre’, subsection ‘Documents’.
During the holidays, students can find employment in children's health camps (counselors, tutors, lifeguards, maids, physical education instructors); hotels (maids, waiters, bartenders, administrators); fitness clubs (instructors, lifeguards).
Current vacancies are posted on the platforms ‘Fakultus’ (, ‘Work of Russia’ (, in the Vkontakte group (, in the Career and Employment Centre (office 1013).
Research and development activities
To work with the author's profile in SCIENCE INDEX system it is necessary to register first, but as an author. Author registration in SCIENCE INDEX is combined with user registration on the portal of the Scientific Electronic Library eLIBRARY.RU. To register in SCIENCE INDEX you just need to fill in some additional fields.
If you are already registered on the portal eLIBRARY.RU, and you want to register as an author in SCIENCE INDEX, you need to first enter the library under your user name, and then go to your personal card. You can do this by going to Personal Profile, then Personal Card, or simply by clicking on your username in the Current Session panel on the left. In the opened registration form, some of the fields will already be filled in. It is necessary to check and, if necessary, edit these fields, then tick the box ‘Register me in the SCIENCE INDEX system’ and fill in the remaining fields in the additional part of the form that opens below.
More information here:
The author can carry out this procedure himself by going to the page of each of these publications and making the necessary corrections. If you are unable to do so, you can contact the Scientific and Methodological Department of the University.
Data on grants are available in the ‘Olympiads, competitions and grants’ section of the University website
To get help with such documentation, you can contact the University's Scientific and Methodological Department.
The names of the circles with the indication of the responsible departments are presented on the University website
Information about the circles can be obtained from the person responsible for student research work in each department of the University.
This information can be found at the end of each issue of the journal, as well as on the journal's website under ‘Rules for Authors’:
To do this, you need to go to the website of the journal, section ‘Submit an article’, where you leave the necessary data, or you can send the article, designed according to the requirements of the journal, to the e-mail address
You can send your article to the e-mail address of the Scientific and Methodological Department with the obligatory note in the subject line ‘For anti-plagiarism check’.
International activities
All documents for admission must be submitted in Russian. If the document does not contain any information in Russian at all, a notarised translation of the document into Russian is required, which can be done in any country. If the document contains information in Russian, then translation is not necessary.
1) Scan of passport (all filled in pages)
2) Scan of the document on previous education.
It is necessary to attach a scan copy of one of the following documents: a school certificate of secondary education or a college diploma, the presentation of which confirms the presence of a sufficient level of education for admission to the bachelor's programme. For Master's programmes, a scan of the Bachelor's diploma with an attachment.
3) A scan of a medical certificate complying with the standard Russian form 086. Medical examination can be done in any country.
4) Scans of documents confirming individual achievements of applicants. For example, documents confirming the applicant's sports rank, diplomas for sports and other achievements.
5) For young men: a scan of the certificate of a citizen subject to military service or a military card.
6) For compatriots applying for budgetary education: a scan of the applicant's birth certificate and a scan of the parents‘ (or one of the parents’) birth certificates.
For applicants from countries with which the Russian Federation does not have an agreement on automatic recognition of educational documents, it may be necessary to undergo the procedure of recognition of documents on previous education. The International Co-operation Department will inform about the necessity of this procedure and its specifics on an individual basis after reviewing the documents submitted by the applicant.
Documents should be sent to:
Within a few days you will receive a confirmation of receipt of documents and their acceptance for registration.
After arrival in Kazan on the first day of accommodation at the place of stay, to notify the International Cooperation Department of his/her arrival, to submit his/her passport, migration card, health insurance policy to the International Cooperation Department not later than the next working day for registration on the migration register.
To notify the international cooperation department of a planned short-term or long-term change of place of stay in the following cases:
- travelling outside the city of study for any period of time;
- travelling outside the country of study for any period of time;
- staying in medical institutions (hospitals, etc.) for a day or more;
- travelling to training camps, excursions and other events;
- stay in hotels, hostels, camping sites, training camps (including the hotel of the rowing centre and gymnastics centre) for any period of time;
- change of place of permanent residence;
Notify the International Co-operation Office of all these cases of displacement at the planning stage and on the first day of return. Report to the International Co-operation Department with a set of documents at the first request.
If it is necessary to register for migration within 7 days after submission of the documents, obtain from the International Cooperation Department the tear-off part of the notification of arrival with a stamp confirming the registration for migration registration.
Pay attention to the period of registration indicated in the notification of migration registration. At least 45 working days before the end of the registration period, apply to the International Co-operation Department for its extension.
Check the validity of the passport with which you entered the territory of the Russian Federation. Replace the passport at least six months before the expiry date of the visa. Notify the International Cooperation Department in advance about the procedure of passport replacement for visa replacement and re-registration.
State fingerprint registration, medical examination and photographing are mandatory procedures that all foreign citizens must undergo if they plan to stay in Russia for more than 90 days. This requirement is established by Federal Law No. 274-FZ dated 01.07.2021.
For all questions and to notify about all the above cases, please contact the International Cooperation Department by phone, e-mail or personal appearance in office 1004 of the main building of the University. Contact phone number: +7 843 294 90 50, e-mail:
Please note that all documents must be submitted in Russian. If the document does not contain information in Russian at all, a notarized translation of the document into Russian is required, which can be done in any country. If the document contains information in Russian, then translation is not necessary.
Scan of passport or ID (all completed pages).
Scan of the document on previous education.
For a bachelor's degree - a scan of a school certificate of complete secondary education or a scan of a diploma from a vocational college or school.
For a master's degree - a scan of a bachelor's degree with an application with grades.
3. A scan of a medical certificate corresponding to the standard of the Russian form 086.
Medical examination can be carried out in any country.
4. Scans of documents confirming the individual achievements of applicants - for example, documents confirming the sports category of the applicant, diplomas for sports and other achievements.
5. For men: A scan of a certificate confirming citizen’s conscription for military service or a military ID.
6. For compatriots entering the budget form of education: a scan of the birth certificate of the applicant and a scan of the birth certificates of the parents (or one of the parents)
For applicants from countries with which the Russian Federation does not have an agreement on the automatic recognition of documents on education, it may be necessary to go through the procedure for recognising a document on previous education. The International Cooperation Department will inform you on the necessity of this procedure on an individual basis after reviewing the documents submitted by the applicant.
Documents must be sent to:
Within a few days, confirmation of receipt of documents and their acceptance for registration will come.
After arriving in Kazan on the first day of accommodation at the place of stay to notify the Department of International Cooperation of the university about their arrival, no later than the next working day to submit a passport, migration card, medical insurance policy for migration registration in the Department of International Cooperation.
Notify the International Office of the Graduate School of any planned short- or long-term change of residence in the following cases:
Leaving the city of study for any period of time.
Leaving the country of study for any period of time.
Staying in medical facilities (hospitals, etc.) for 24 hours or more.
Departure for training camps, excursions and other events.
Staying in hotels, hostels, camping sites, training camps (including the hotel of the Rowing Center and the Gymnastics Center) for any length of time.
Change of residence.
Notify the International Office of all reported transfers at the planning stage and on the first day of return. Report to the International Office of the University at the first request with a set of documents specified in clause 1 of these guidelines.
In case of migration registration within 7 days after submission of the documents, obtain from the International Cooperation Department a tear-off part of the Notice of Arrival with a stamp confirming the migration registration.
Pay attention to the registration period indicated in the notification of migration registration. Not later than 45 working days before the end of the registration period apply to the international department of the university for its extension.
Control the validity of the passport with which you entered the territory of the Russian Federation. Replace the passport at least six months before the expiration of the visa. Notify the international department in advance of the passport replacement procedure for visa replacement and re-registration on the migration registry.
5. State fingerprint registration, medical examination, and photographing are mandatory procedures that all foreign nationals must undergo if they plan to stay in Russia for more than 90 days. This requirement is established by Federal Law No. 274-FZ of 01.07.2021
If you have any questions and for notification of all the above cases, please contact the Department of International Cooperation by phone, e-mail or in person in Room 1004 of the main building of the Volga Region Academy. Contact phone: +7 843 294 90 50, e-mail:
Educational activities
The University has the following forms of material support of students: state academic scholarship to students, state social scholarship to students, state scholarship to postgraduates, scholarships to students of preparatory departments, increased state academic scholarship, increased state social scholarship, forms of financial assistance. The procedure and assignment of payment of scholarships and other forms of material support to students of higher education and secondary vocational education, postgraduate students of the University is determined by the Regulations on scholarship provision and other forms of material support of students of FSBEI VO ‘Volga Region State University of Physical Education and Sports’.
Non-resident and international students live in the University's Residential Complex located in the Universiade Village. All conditions for comfortable and safe stay of students have been created in the Residential Complex. Each room is equipped with a separate bathroom and kitchen. The dormitory houses have rooms for washing clothes, study rooms, rooms for student events, video halls, and sports areas.
The Department of Social and Educational Work is responsible for educational activities. The department closely co-operates with student self-government, student associations, supervisors of academic student groups. It organises educational work in the dormitory. Events organised by the department together with student associations are dedicated to civil-patriotic and spiritual-moral values, cultural leisure of students, their creative, physical and personal development.
The University has the University Student Council, Student Council of the hostel, Student Scientific Society, Student Sports Club ‘Winged Bars’, Tourist Club ‘Academy’. The student council includes: volunteer association, patriotic association, creative club, student media centre, student security service, tutors' association. Opportunities for versatile creative self-realisation are provided in the Student Cultural Centre of the University.
Sports activities
The University represents 41 national teams competing in 32 sports, of which 9 teams take part in national leagues in basketball (men's and women's teams), volleyball (men's and women's teams), rugby-7 (men's and women's teams), football, hockey and handball; 9 teams take part in All-Russian student leagues (Student Hockey League, Russian Railways Association Student Basketball League (men's and women's teams), Student Volleyball League, Student Rugby League (men's and women's teams), Student Rowing League, Student Sambo League and Student Swimming League).
A detailed list of the University's national teams can be obtained from the Sports Department and specialised departments.
Every year in September at the sports facilities of the University the students are selected for the national teams of the University in the cultivated sports during the training process.
The schedule of classes can be clarified at the sports facilities, profile departments, in the Department of Sports Work.
National teams in each sport have their own training schedule. Members of the national teams of the University train mainly at sports venues according to the training schedules agreed upon by the managers of the venues and the Sports Department.
The schedule of classes can be clarified at the sports facilities, profile departments and in the Department of Sports Work.
National teams of the University participate in competitions according to the approved calendar plan of sports events of the University for the academic year.
The calendar plan of sporting events is available on the University website and in the Sports Department.
On 20 October 2016, the student sports club of the University was registered in the All-Russian youth public movement ‘Association of Student Sports Clubs of Russia’, previously called ‘Academy’, from 2021 - ‘Winged Bars’. The sports club is actively developing and takes part in All-Russian festivals and events of the Association of Student Sports Clubs of Russia. Competitions are held in various sports (hockey, curling, cross-country skiing, yukigassen, snow rugby, football, volleyball, 3x3 basketball, badminton, chess, draughts, table tennis and fans' cup).
Professional development and professional retraining
Copies of the following documents are required for admission:
- Passport (1 page + propiska);
- TIN;
- labour book (first page and page with current place of work);
- diploma of secondary vocational/higher education (for final year students - certificate from the directorate).
The list of implemented programmes can be found on the University's website in the Institute of Further Education section.
Yes, it is possible to prepare for the USE on the basis of the Institute of Further Education.
No, you can fill out the application form and send in the required documents in an online format.
Training is conducted on a full-time basis with the use of distance learning technologies.
Training starts as the group is recruited (from 10 people). If desired, it is possible to take an individual traineeship. For more detailed information on this issue, please contact the staff of the Institute of Further Education at 8 (843) 294-90-08.
After successful completion of educational programmes, students receive a certificate of advanced training / diploma of professional retraining.
Information and Resource Centre
The Information and Resource Centre is open daily on weekdays from 8:00 to 20:00, Saturday from 8:00 to 17:00, Sunday is a day off, the last Friday of the month is a sanitary day.
Readers of the Information and Resource Centre are persons enrolled in the University in accordance with the established procedure, who have received a student ID card. Registration of readers in the Electronic Catalogue is performed by the staff of the Information Technology Department. Readers are served upon presentation of their student ID card or electronic entrance pass.
Academic literature is issued for 1 or 2 semesters, depending on the length of the course. Additional literature is issued on loan for 14-20 days. As a rule, the amount of literature issued at a time is not regulated. Only in case of increased demand for a publication the issue may be limited. Encyclopaedias, dictionaries, periodicals, legal documents are available only in the reading room.
The Information and Resource Centre has two workplaces (on the subscription desk and in the electronic reading room) to serve the disabled and persons with disabilities.
This category of persons can also use the following equipment:
- portable video magnifier - 1 pc.
- Braille keyboard - 1 pc.
- Braille printer - 1 pc.
- Istok A2 portable induction loop for the hearing impaired - 6 pcs.
- headphones - 1 pc.
- special device for reading ‘talking books’ on flashcards ‘Tifloflash player’ - 1 pc.
All information about the electronic version of a particular printed book that you need can be found in the electronic catalogue located on the University's website. Going to the University's website in the ‘Electronic Resources’ section, you will see a valid link to the electronic catalogue, which you need to follow. By following the link to the electronic catalogue, you will be taken to the book search. After entering keywords, a list of books will open. At the bottom of the bibliographic description of the book will be a link ‘page view’ - this book you can read in electronic form.
Access to the electronic catalogue of the Information and Resource Centre is available on the University's website (under student → electronic resources).
Students can take journals home by presenting their student ID card or electronic pass. Applicants can view the journals in the reading room of the Information and Resource Centre.
The fund of periodical printed publications consists of the following journals: ‘Scientific Notes of P.F. Lesgaft University’, ‘Physical Culture at School’, ‘Science and Sport’, etc.
The fund of periodical electronic editions consists of the following journals: ‘Theory and Practice of Physical Culture’, ‘Higher Education in Russia’, etc.
The Information and Resource Centre has access to the electronic library systems Lan and Yurait, which have created all the conditions for inclusive education, ensuring the possibility of using adaptive technologies for the education of people with disabilities, in particular the blind and visually impaired. The electronic library system ‘Lan’ has developed a mobile application with a special service for the blind. The inbuilt speech synthesiser plays the texts of books and navigation menus, which makes the application as convenient as possible for blind people. All readers of the University can use it free of charge.
Registration in electronic library systems is done from the University computer or via a mobile device (with subsequent confirmation by an employee of the Information and Resource Centre).
University website → section ‘To Student’ → ‘Electronic resources’ → links to electronic library systems Lan and Yurait → registration.
Information and Resource Centre provides educational, reference literature, magazines in the reading room.
During the period of preparation for the entrance examinations the applicant can use the reading and electronic reading room.
Accommodation in a dormitory
The fee for accommodation and utilities (one bed) in the University dormitory for students of the University is 650 rubles per month.
The rooms are equipped with beds, desks, hanging shelves, wardrobes and bedside tables. The rooms are equipped with a private kitchen with an electric cooker and a fridge, a bathroom.
Students in the dormitory are provided with bed linen sets, a fridge and an electric cooker per room.
You can pay for accommodation in several ways:
- use the application ‘Sberbank online’, in the application select the button ‘payment by qr-code (payment for utilities), Scan the qr-code, enter the passport data of the student, pay for accommodation for 11 months;
- pay at the cash desk of the residential complex (cash/cashless payment).
Internet access is available from the company ‘Tattelecom’, the contract is concluded with each student on a personal basis. There are also study rooms with Internet access in each house.
The student may receive guests only by agreement with the administration of the University residential complex during working hours from 9:00 to 18:00 (parents of the resident student, students of the University are considered guests) and at the time strictly allocated by the administration of the dormitory. Access of visitors is carried out after agreement upon presentation of an identity document, accompanied by a person living in the dormitory.
Visitors are allowed to stay in the room only with the consent of all residents of the room.
You should contact the organising teacher of the residential home in writing or verbally describe the reason why you want to change your room.
Immediately notify the commandant of the house.
You need to contact the organising teacher at home.
According to the current legislation, if a student has caused damage to the property in the dormitory, he/she is financially liable. This point is stated in the rules of living in the hostel.
Low-powered electrical appliances such as hairdryer, kettle, curling iron, etc.
In accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 273-FZ ‘On Education in the Russian Federation’ dated 29 December 2012, the following students are exempt from paying for dormitory accommodation (Art. 39, para. 6, Art. 36, para. 5):
- orphans and children left without parental care, persons from among orphans and children left without parental care, persons who lost both parents or the only parent during the period of study;
- Disabled children, persons with disabilities of groups I and II, and persons disabled since childhood;
- Persons exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and other radiation disasters and as a result of nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk test site;
- disabled as a result of a military injury or disease received during military service, and veterans of military operations;
- students from among citizens who have served for at least three years under contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, in the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and federal government agencies, in the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, in engineering, technical, road construction military formations under federal executive authorities and in rescue military formations of the federal executive authority authorized to solve problems in the field of civil defense, the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, FSB bodies, state security authorities and the federal body for ensuring mobilization training of state authorities of the Russian Federation in military positions subject to filling soldiers, sailors, sergeants, foremen, and those dismissed from military service on the grounds provided for in paragraphs. "b" - "d" clause 1, subsections. “a” paragraph 2 and paragraphs. "a" - "c" clause 3 of Art. 51 of the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ “On Military Duty and Military Service.”
To move into the dormitory, the student must provide the following documents:
- certificate from the therapist about the absence of contraindications for living in the dormitory (original);
- the result of fluorography for the last year (copy).
Additionally, first-year students submit copies of:
- passport (photo and propiska);
- medical policy;
- vaccination certificate.
Organisation of health protection of students
Students of the 1st and 3rd year undergo preventive medical examination on the basis of the State Autonomous Establishment ‘Municipal Polyclinic No. 21’ (Studencheskaya).
Preventive medical examination of full-time students is carried out on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation from 27.04.2019 № 404n ‘On approval of the order of preventive medical examination and medical examination of certain groups of the adult population’.
Preventive medical examination of full-time students is carried out in order to determine health groups and make recommendations.
Students of the University can receive medical care at the medical centre located in the Training and Laboratory Building (room E201). The medical centre is attended by a general practitioner. In addition, there are medical rooms at each of the University's sports facilities. The medical staff provides first aid in case of life-threatening situations, as well as in case of illnesses and injuries.
The statement should be brought and handed in to the medical centre of the Training and Laboratory Building (room E 201).
To move into the dormitory, the student must provide the following documents:
- certificate from the therapist about the absence of contraindications for living in the dormitory (original);
- the result of fluorography for the last year (copy).
Additionally, first-year students submit copies of:
- passport (photo and propiska);
- medical policy;
- vaccination certificate.